Tools To Grow Your Income, Wealth, & Financial Confidence

Control your finances. Control your Legacy.

No matter your age, income or education level, financial integrity is more important than ever.

The Right Financial Mindset Changes Everything

“The most important quality for an investor is temperament, not intellect. You need a temperament that neither derives great pleasure from being with the crowd or against the crowd.”

– Warren Buffett

Insights to elevate your financial confidence and unlock your potential.

Only 24% of Millennials demonstrate basic financial literacy.

Only 30% of Americans have a long-term financial plan.

Just 39% of Americans have enough cash to cover a $1,000 emergency.

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Covering the Essentials


Knowing exactly where your money is . Making sure your money is working hard for you, not the other way around.


Making sure your own emergency reserves are taken care ofin both plenty and preparation.


Being prepared so when the time is right, you can relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor.


Making sure your precious items are covered and cared for, including the lives of your loved ones.

Home Ownership

Transforming a roof over your head into a lifelong generational wealth building asset.


Turning your good name into a wealth building tool, opening doors even without cash.

You can have a glamorous six-figure salary, advanced degrees, and an executive title at a large corporation and still be impacted by the negative net worth virus that is prevalent in black communities.

According to The Road to Zero Wealth report published by Prosperity Now and the Institute for Policy Studies, the median wealth of black Americans will fall to zero by 2053 if current trends continue.

 Charlene Rhinehart |

Income inequality is getting worse, suggesting that the wealthiest, Whites, are getting wealthier. According to a new study, the imbalance will shift so far that median Black and Latino households will lose the little relative wealth they have by 2053, Black households will have a median wealth of zero.

The same for Latino households 20 years later, according to an analysis by the Institute for Policy Studies.

Erik Sherman | Forbes

Extra Extra!

The scary truth about wealth and America’s future.

Having the courage and discipline to take the next step and accomplish your goals despite the trials that life throw at you is what make someone successful, not having everything go your way.

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